Sunday, October 19, 2008

Inflamed by homework

OK, so I was assigned to read an article and relate it back to what we are discussing in class regarding victims (for a criminal justice class on victimology). I was browsing around various news forums on the Internet and came across an article that just blew me away... Here is the link and my synopsis that I posted on the class web site. Perhaps not the most articulate thing that I have written, but it took me 3 drafts just to get to this level I was so ticked off by the entire thing!!!!!

I found this article at On July 8 a woman was pulled over for speeding at Platte Ave. and Nevada. She told the officer that pulled her over that she had just been raped and was on her way to get help. The officer did nothing to assister her in finding help, ignored her claims of assault, and gave her a speeding ticket. Records at Pikes Peak Mental Health Center show that after the traffic stop the woman did report a rape.
I am personally outraged by this. Let’s start as to who all are victims of this crime:
1. The woman who was assaulted.
2. Her family and friends because they will now have to assister her in the emotional trauma of her assault.
3. The taxpayers who contribute to the day to day function of Pikes Peak Mental Health.
4. The taxpayers who are paying the salary of this obviously incompetent police officer.
5. The insurance company (assuming the victim has health insurance) who will be paying for her medical and emotional treatment.
6. Any other woman that the assailant may come across and decide he needs to assault her as well.
7. Every woman in Colorado Springs who has been raped now faces the possibility of coming across this officer when they report the crim.

It is difficult enough for women to come forward when a crime like this is committed and many rapes go unreported for a verity of reasons. For women to now have to face the possibility of law enforcement officials treating them like criminals instead of assisting them through the reporting process, it is going to make even fewer women willing to report their assailants. According to the article, now only did the woman tell the officer that she had just been raped, but she had a bloody lip, bruises, and was only dressed in a t-shirt and underwear. The officer, instead of citing her for speeding should have immediately gotten on his radio and alerted his supervisor to the situation, but also, since he was on a motorcycle and not in a patrol vehicle, should have given her a police escort to the nearest facility where she could have gotten treatment.

Click below to read the article in full.