Tuesday, April 25, 2006

More Bitching

Ok, so it’s been a while. Not that I have many followers, and the few that I do have I speak with on the phone from time to time. But I’ve been having a bit of a rough patch lately.

Let’s see… I hate my job. But it pays the bills. And anything else that I am remotely qualified to do (that doesn’t require working on commission or being just plane disgusting) doesn’t pay enough to pay said bills so I’m stuck. At least “they” are paying for me to go to school so that I won’t have to work there forever. And it really isn’t even the job it’s self, it’s just the way that the corporate ass holes have made 1001 changes and not bothered to tell us little piss ants about any of them. I’m not saying that they need my permission on how to run their own company, mind… Or even that they should bother asking my lowly opinion. Just let me know what the fuck is going on in the world so that I know what to expect when I come to work in the morning for Christ’s sake!!!!

My “friend” Bitchit and I have been fighting. Well, more like ignoring each other. It’s been, what, over a month now since we have spoken. She called me one night all drunk and stupid. And on a freaking WORK NIGHT for that matter. At first, she was all “I just wanted to tell you I love you and I miss you.” She gets all sappy when she drinks. But then she called me back all balling and blubbering and sucking snot because apparently she couldn’t find a tissue in the entire state of Mississippi. All I got was some blubber about how she can’t find a job because she is disabled (hum, sounds like a law suit to me) and some chick that she and her husband met in the bar is a lawyer and Ms. Lawyer didn’t see anything wrong with Bitchit and why she can’t get a job. (Gee, I’ve only been saying this since we graduated from paralegal school together and SHE was working as a paralegal and I was selling fucking ugly furniture!!!) I had to take an unpaid internship to get my foot in the door of the legal field, but she got paid for it (so WHO has a hard time with jobs???). So I called her on her bull shit. I told her that I wasn’t feeling sorry for her and if she expected an employer to take her seriously to not feel sorry for herself and walk in with the attitude that there is nothing wrong with her. The physical walk is a little more difficult because she has a severe limp. But she couldn’t get through her thick, drunk skull that I was talking about ATTITUDE, not LIMPING. So a few days later I tried to talk to her to see if she was feeling better (I also put her husband on alert not to let her anywhere near the phone when she was drunk from now on because drunk dialing is apparently a bad idea here). She told me to drop it because she already felt stupid (well, with a high pitch wail like hers, so would I---especially when the person on the receiving end is getting a headache). And she is the one who hung up on me (more than once)!!! So I basically told her fine, if she felt stupid it was all on her because no one can make you feel stupid without your permission (yes, I was paraphrasing Eleanor Roosevelt there) and that if I was that depressed I’d want my friends to (1) try and cheer me up, and (2) try and find out what was wrong so that they could help but if this was going to be her attitude that she could just sit there and feel sorry for herself and call me when she was ready to talk. Sound a bit harsh? Well, this isn’t the first time that we have had this discussion… In fact, it is a recurring theme for us. And I’m usually the one to give in and call a few days later and make all nice nice. But not this time. I’m sick of it. I’m tired of being her little pansy. If she wants someone to feel sorry for her, she can get the pitty from her boyfriend or her husband’s girlfriend (yes, you read right, oh and the boyfriend is the one who kept felling me up the entire time I was there visiting her trying to get me to sleep with everyone who has a dick--- but that is another rant for another lifetime…).

Wait, where was I? Oh yeah…

So if she wants someone to feel sorry for her she is barking up the wrong tree. I mean she has a good husband (mutual swinging aside), 2 WONDERFUL kids who I would kill for. Friends who actually care about her mental health and wonder what has been disturbing her for the past few months, and the ability to stay home with those kids and raise them (something that most mom’s would like to do but can’t afford to do because most husbands don’t make enough to live off of one income). But is she happy with that? NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO….. She wants everything else too. Well you know what, Sparky, you can’t have everything… Leave something for the rest of us!!!

As for the other stuff going on in my life, well, I’m trying to make some new friends since all of my old ones (most of them anyway) are throwing me over for men (damn these modern women and their weddings!!!), and I’m going to school, and fighting to take off the weight that I have put back on because it is causing some medical problems (GURD, gotta love it…). Oh, and did we mention the fact that I am quickly going from alone to lonely??? OK, so that is a phase and it will go away just as quickly as it got here, but in the meantime…

I’m still dealing with the whole what the fuck does the ex want thing. So far it is nothing but emails. And that seems to be OK with some friends. Others are furious that I am going that far. I never said that I was getting back together with him, or even that I want to. Hell, just read the last few entries and you’ll see why… But it’s still my life and if I want to talk to him I will. And if I want to get back together with him, I will. It’s my life damnit!!!! (OK, that is off of my chest now, I can move on).

And to top it all off, I’m broke. My job may pay the bills, but it doesn’t pay much else. And I want to fix up my house. I can’t. Now in my current financial situation. And since they have cut over time at work not any time in the future either. And I’m going to be 35 in 3 days so I think I am a little past asking the parents for money. I have to face the fact that I’m a Grup now and deal with it… Well, only 100 more years until I finish school…

OK, I’m done bitching for the time being. Hopefully I’ll be more chipper next time. I’m really not as negative as this Blog makes me out to be. I swear, I’m a happy person!!!!!