Monday, June 04, 2012



I even texted my booty call.  But I don't know if that's more because I'm bored, or just trying to get F out of my head.  Or maybe I just need to get laid.  Of course, there is the possibility that it's all 3...

The upside of having a fuck-buddy is that there are no strings attached & no emotions.  The downside, I miss having someone's arms around me.  Someone to cuddle with on the couch and watch TV.   For example, right now I'm watching last week's Eureka.  Fargo in in the "Matrix" Eureka.  He's all alone.  Or was until he found Holly.  I feel just like that (before he found Holly).

Like I said, I like living alone because I can come and go as I please.  No one to answer to except the dog.    Eat what I want when I want.  Drink as much as I want without anyone being all judgy on me.  Watch what I want on TV and not having to fight for the remote.  But I get lonely...  I want someone to talk to on the phone until we fall asleep.

Well, I have my friend Bitchit for that last one. We don't talk all that often, but when we do it's usually several hours long.  If I don't fall asleep on her it's because my phone dies.

I admit she's going through a hard time.  I've got nothing on her when it comes to a rough breakup.  Her husband came to her after 11 years of marriage and said he wanted a divorce, that he doesn't love her anymore.  He jumps around from threatening to take the kids and selling the house out from under her to saying she can keep the kids & the house.  And yet, she still thinks that he's going to come back.  I try to be supportive, but can we say "doormat"!!!

OK, I admit it.  so am I.  If F were to come over right now and walk through my door, I'd take him back.  And for as much as I'd like to say I'd lay down the law, you know, and I know, that I'd be lying.  I'd just jump him right here on the couch and act like nothing has happened.  Oh, I'd let the anger fester inside me, but I wouldn't give him any more rules...  So basically I'm the ULTIMATE doormat...

Which leads me to the fact that I'm dating my best friend.  now if she and I were lesbians that would be OK.  But we aren't.  She's just lonely.  Her husband is a contractor in Afghanistan.  She gets tired of hanging out with just her and the kids.  We go out nearly every weekend.  And now it's just getting weird....  She was kidding me that I needed a spanking.  Now if that had come from F I'd have been all for it.  Hell, even if that would have come from my FB (aka fuck buddy, booty call, or AG).   Then  we are making plans to go to a movie (WITH her kids of course) this coming weekend, and she ran into an unexpected expense, so I told her if she can't make it that's cool, we can reschedule.  She said no, she wants to see me.  I want to see her too.   See.....  getting weird!!!  And we just hung out yesterday.  Went to lunch and shopping...  I NEED A BOYFRIEND!!!!

I have a vibrator (several in fact) when I need an orgasm, but I need a man to hang out with that I can flirt with, have sex with, go on dates with.

So I'm back online...  I'll be move careful this time.

OK, I say that.  We all know I'm full of shit.  I jump in with both feet.  Get burned.  Start all over again still pining for the last one.  But I get the feeling that I'll be pining for the last one for a while...  I actually let myself care about that one.  A lot...


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