Wednesday, June 18, 2008

School's out for summer

Well, I’m finally finished with classes this quarter. FINALLY!!! And I get a whole 2 week off to rest before summer classes begin. Not that I have much to rest up on, I mean, heck, it’s not like I WORK or anything like that.

Speaking of work, I have become a pariah. I mean SERIOUSLY!!! Can’t a girl get a job anymore??? I applied for a part time position as a bank teller and was turned down for someone “more qualified.” What, do I have to have a Frackig Master’s Degree to cash people’s checks??? I mean SERIOUSLY people, what the hell???? And it’s not like I’m applying for jobs that are out of my league (well, maybe a few, but those jobs I don’t really want anyway, I just thought it would be fun to apply anyway). It’s not like I can’t do anything either! I mean, I have a lot of skills. And I KNOW I don’t have a Bachelor’s Degree yet, but I’M WORKING ON IT!!!!

This bull shit is just so darn frustrating. And then I get the lecture from my parents about “the power of positive thinking.” Yeah, like I need one other thing to worry about. Honestly, if they knew half the shit that was going on around here, they’d take their “positive thinking” and shove it where the sun don’t shine!!! See if I call them for Father’s Day again. According to my Mom, all I have to do is decide what kind of job I want and then believe (positively) that I’ll get it and I will. Sure. Says the woman who has actually gone to nursing school and has been a nurse her whole life so doesn’t need worry about trying to find a job… Oh, and my step dad is no better, he’s a PA and has been just about forever (he was a nurse before that) and was in the military for 20+ ears so of course he doesn’t have to worry about a job either. Neither one of these people has ever been fired from a job (Well, I think my step-dad was once, and boy let me tell you what a slap in the face with the cold hard hand of reality that was for him). I on the other hand have been fired more times than I can count.

And this last time was bull shit. I’ll admit that I was not the best employee in the company, or even in the building for that matter, but my boss was a total bitch!!!! She’d be all sweet and loving and “I’m really concerned about you and want you to do a good job” to your face, but behind your back she was checking every little thing you did, writing you up for being 1 minute over on your break and not making it up, reading your emails, and just basically badmouthing you to everyone else she could get to listen. I have several complements from customers and other employees and did she ever say anything about them? NOOOOOOOOO, but she did write me up for the 2 complaints that I got. Fucker.

OH, and then she fired one of my good friends just a few weeks after I was let go. You want to know the reason??? Because he was “too creative” for the job and it was holding him back from going any further in the company. But it does no good to complaining about her because she is one of the highest producing managers in the company so the higher ups don’t care how she gets the numbers as long as she does. Never mind that she threatens her employees. Or belittles them in front of the unit. Or “cheats” with the numbers (she actually showed me how to “manipulate” --- her word, not mine--- the system to make my numbers look better). And if the company says that you have to have a 60% accept rate on referrals, she says you have to have 70%, otherwise you aren’t meeting HER guidelines and you get written up by her for that.

But enough bitching about her. I may still be bitter, but after talking to my friends who area still there, I say good riddance because they are going through even more bull shit, and more and more of the managers are acting like The Bitch. I’ve been sitting here playing on the computer with my hair in a towel for a few hours now and I think it’s time to try and do something with my hair so that it looks semi human and go do the running around that I was going to do today. Yeah me….

Later everyone. I’ll write more later.


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