Thursday, June 05, 2008


(Title stolen from Dennis Miller’s book of the same name)

With the upcoming elections, I have been forced to sit and listen to my friend’s give their thoughts (over inflated under informed opinions) on the candidates, as well as relive their favorite tirades on the current administration. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not George W.s biggest fan, far from it. But nor am I his biggest supporter.
Now, I’m not saying that GW is our best and brightest president of all time (I’d be lying if I did) but he is not the worst either. What really annoys me are the uninformed (or sometimes ill-informed) masses who have their handy dandy “Count Down To The End Of The Bush Administration Clock” plastered on their desk top or the top of their Blog page. It’s not my fault that your guy wasn’t smart enough to teach the old people on Florida how to fill out a ballot so he chicken out at the last minute and left the race. Why don’t you go hand out with him and figure out what he did wrong.
And I’m also sick to death of talking about Ol’ Billy boy. PLEASE!!!! You can’t honestly tell me that Hillary was a good president the first time she was in office; now you are thinking she’ll do a good job the second time around??? OH, I know I’m going to piss some people off with that one, but let’s face it, Bill was too busy getting blow jobs in the oval office to do anything but miss-handle campaign funds and being impeached. And didn’t they try to steal furniture on their way out of the White House??? And these are the people that some Americans want back in Office? Lying, Thieving, Whormongers???
As for the next President, I’m so glad that Hillary FINALLY decided to concede and back out of the race. I was on the verge of packing my bags and getting my passport in order so that I could move to Canada. And I have friends there, so getting a sponsor isn’t a problem for me, not something that every American can say.
But back to my point (I know I got off of it, but that’s what rants do), if you don’t like the job that the current President is doing, then GET OFF OF YOUR WHINING, BITCHING, MOANING, TOO LAZY TO DO ANYTHING ELSE ASS, GO TO WASHINGTON DC AND DO THE DAMN JOB YOURSELF!!!!


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