Sunday, February 05, 2006

New Haircut

This one is meant for all the ladies out there.

Have you ever gone out and spent way to much money on a haircut that you just weren’t all that sure about, but everyone in the salon (including the friend you took with you to get the haircut in the first place) spends a good 15 minutes reassuring you that it is a really cut haircut and then you go to work the next day and NO ONE NOTICES the 8 inches that you cut off???? I mean, OK, it’s not like my hair was all that long to begin with, but the fact that it is now ABOVE my collar should be a clue that something has changed!!!

Now, I don’t expect the guy next to me with the 1982 MULLET to notice the haircut. Hell, if he hasn’t noticed yet what century he is in (much less what decade) then I don’t expect him to notice the haircut. Besides, I can barely stand sitting next to him anyway so having him talk to me about ANYTHING (even if it is as important as my super short hair) is a blessing in disguise. But you’d have thought that someone would have noticed. At lunch I ran into another friend, and she noticed but then, she knew that I was going to get my hair cut so of course she would notice, especially since my last words on the way out the door Friday night were “I’m just going to get a trim.” This is one hell of a trim!!!

My brother noticed, about 2 hours after I got home. But to be fair, I was lying on the couch most of the night when I got home, so it was hard to tell until I stood up.

You know that friend I mentioned that is getting married in July; she’s probably going to freak. I get the feeling that she’ll tell me how great it is and then when I’m not around bitch to all of the other brides maids that now I won’t be able to wear my hair up or some such thing and how that is going to ruin her wedding. Oh well. It’s my hair. And it hasn’t been this short since like elementary school….

It’s a good thing that I’m not dating my last boyfriend now, because my hair is now shorter than his. And he already basically called me unfeminine when he said that I don’t “fulfill his visual needs” because I prefer to wear pants over jeans (Hey, I live in Colorado, and it is friking COLD here in the winter. Let him run around in a skirt if he thinks that it’s so fun!!!) and that I like white cotton panties over lingerie. You know, if he’d have looked through my underwear drawer instead of jumping to conclusions he’d have noticed that there were only 3 pair of white cotton panties in there. Oh well, his loss. After all, this is the same guy who lied about getting a job out of state to avoid me after I had the audacity to try and HELP him with a family problem and then thought I was so stupid as to not know what the FAA is. Oh yeah, he’s a real gem. I pity the woman who ends up with him. Someone should tell him that Donna Reed is fictional and in this day and age he’s not going to find a woman his age who is willing to give up being herself to be his trophy. He’s going to have to look for that 20something who doesn’t know that she doesn’t need a man to make her life complete because she hasn’t learned how to form her own opinions about anything. That or a woman with the self esteem of a door mat…..

But I digress…. I was complaining about a haircut. I’m just not use to it. I walked by the mirror in the bathroom today and had to do a double take because I forgot that it was so short. On the upside, I don’t need to use as much shampoo, conditioner, or hair dye. Yes, I cover my gray hair. But I’ve had gray hair since I was 15 so it’s not like it’s that big of a deal for me. The question you should be asking yourselves is do I die my hair my natural color (or as close to it as I can find anyway) or something totally different? I’ll never tell….


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